Saturday, April 15, 2006

Lost Season 2!!!!!!

People -
They are still on Lost Season 1 out here.. so did anyone manage to get past Season 2 - episode 10???


Anonymous said...

Lost. It's total mayhem. The big fella has an imaginary friend. The blonde is his girlfriend and was in the same insane asylum as him. Hurley I think he's called. Anyway, the bald fella Locke has seen these signs on a wall and they have captured a Other. He's driving them all mad and is being held captive in the Hatch. All in all, utter and tragically bad TV. I'm thinking I want to just give up on it until one day in the far future someone says, "it's a dream". And the whole planet breathes out and says, so, It was bullshit after all.

Paul and Bobbi Trehan-Young said...

Who's the blonde.. thought Shanon died?

Anonymous said...

the blonde girls name is Libby from the group on the other side of 'The Island'. Congratulations on your marriage btw hope you are enjoying your honeymoon.

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.